Invitation to Sachsen's 15th Radon Days

The 15th Sachsen´s Radon Days will take place on April 7 and 8, 2022, which we will again hold as an online conference this year due to the currently still uncertain boundary conditions in connection with the corona pandemic. This format offers us, taking into account the diverse experiences of the past two years, very good opportunities to present and illustrate new developments, findings and publications on radon-safe construction and to discuss them with the participants.  

All participants will be integrated via a professional conference system, which will enable discussion formats in addition to the perception of all technical presentations in live mode.  Taking into account the current developments with regard to radon-safe construction, our topics this year focus on the following key areas: 

  • current findings on radon exposure and its consequences, also with reference to systematic measurements at workplaces,
  • Developments and experiences in the implementation of radon protection in our neighboring countries Czech Republic and Austria, as well as 
  • A wide range of construction-related topics and implementation experience in radon-safe construction, including an in-depth look at and discussion of the new DIN TS 18117-1 standard

The speakers include national and international experts who will contribute their knowledge and experience from the fields of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), their national technical authorities and institutions from the Czech Republic and Austria respectively, the State Operating Company for Environment and Agriculture (BfUL), the construction industry, specialist engineers and experts as well as the scientific community on the main topics. For further information on this year's conference program, please refer to the attached conference program.  

As already practiced for the 14th Sachsen´s Radon Day in October 2020, we would like to offer you also in 2022 within our online conference an opportunity to become recognizable as an industry partner of the 15th Sachsen´s Radon Days and to inform the numerous conference participants about your current products and services on the topic of radon or radon-safe construction. We hereby offer you to transport your topic-specific company or product advertising, for example in the form of videos, PPT presentations or similar advertising formats, into the auditorium via the media server during the event breaks as well as at the beginning and end of our conference. 

In addition, we provide company-specific so-called "breakout rooms" during the conference breaks, where you can enter into a direct exchange with interested conference participants. This provides you with a number of opportunities to reach our diverse group of participants consisting of planners and building contractors, experts, representatives of specialized authorities and municipalities as well as researchers with your desired information. 

For interested companies, there is also the possibility this year to experience special visibility within the framework of a classification as a premium partner within the conference opening, the conference proceedings, the break slides and the farewell as well as on our conference website as a "sponsor". Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

Organization tips

For preparatory coordination of your ideas as well as for the transmission of your advertising formats, please contact our colleague Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Klever by phone (0049 - 351 462 3816) or by e-mail ( 

  • To register as an industry exhibitor, please use the attached form and send us your video, PPT or comparable files.  
  •  You can also obtain all further information at The expected number of conference participants this year is at least 350 colleagues, we expect an increase within the registration period. 
  • The exhibitor fee for a virtual contribution of your company within this year's online conference is 245,- € plus VAT. We hope that we have been able to arouse your interest in the 15th Sachsen´s Radon Days and are very pleased to be able to include your companies in the conference proceedings of our specialist event this year.

You can find the program and the registration form here: 15th Sachen´s Radon Days - Specialist event on the subject of radon protection

Do you have a request or questions?  

Then please contact us!

Phone                       E-Mail  

0049 9076-919 9835                 

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2022-02-22 16:12:00

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