Lung cancer due to radon exposure: How to protect yourself!

New study data indicates that awareness in our society about Radon is still widely unknown. Only 14% of respondents have heard that radon gas can occur in first floors of buildings. Scientists are calling for increased screening of lung cancer cases for radon, because the fact is that radon exposure in living and working spaces is the second most common cause of lung cancer.  But it is easy to protect yourself from this naturally occurring radioactive gas!

How does indoor radon exposure occur? 

The naturally occurring radioactive radon gas is contained in varying quantities in the soil and, in some cases, also in building materials. Radon gas enters buildings through leaks in floor slabs as well as walls. Through these radon entry points, the gas spreads indoors and becomes the second most common cause of lung cancer through daily inhalation.

What can you do to counteract radon exposure? 

Radon Expert Martin Waltl (RadonTec CEO) likes to repeat himself on this point: "Only measuring helps!"  

Radon Expert Martin Waltl RadonTec

We at RadonTec,  offer comprehensive radon measurement services as well as high-quality, accurate radon measurement equipment for purchase and rental. 

Click here to go directly to the Radon Measuring Devices in our Radonshop

Radon Protection Measures RadonTec

If an elevated radon level is detected in your living and working spaces after a proper radon measurement, we as Radon Experts will assist you with various Radon Protection Measures. Depending on the individual circumstances, we can help you to contain the radon contamination in your home - e.g. through immediate measures, sealing measures, area sealing, radon extraction and ventilation concepts - and thus protect the health of you and your loved ones.           

Lung Cancer Radongas

Are you interested in the topic of Radon and still have questions?  

Then visit our info page Radon Consulting or contact us!   

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0049 9076-919 9835                 

2022-10-13 10:38:00

Ecosense is leveraging its presence in Europe since 2022 and is poised for significant growth through this strategic partnership with RadonTec.


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