Ministry of the Environment distributes 900 radon measuring devices in Saxony-Anhalt

A new initiative aims to raise awareness among the citizens of Saxony-Anhalt about the carcinogenic radioactive radon gas coming from the ground.  

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection found that radon levels are elevated, especially in the south and west of Saxony-Anhalt. As a result, more than 15 communities have been declared radon precautionary areas since 2020.   

"Radioactive radon cannot be seen or tasted, but the health risk for humans is all the more real," explained Environment Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD).    

Radon precautionary areas Saxony-Anhalt

Soon, 900 radon measuring devices will be made available free of charge to test indoor air in living rooms or bedrooms over a 12-month period in participating households to obtain an accurate radon average. The radon meters operate silently and without electricity and contain a plastic that changes under the influence of radon. Participation is possible via online registration.  

You would like to find out whether the carcinogenic radon gas enters your residential or commercial building through the ground?  

In our Radonshop you can find different radon measuring devices.  

Due to the easy handling, you can easily measure the radon value yourself with our high-quality and precise measuring instruments, as already described above. 

Our bestseller is the Radon Eye RD200!  

RadonEye RD200 Radon Measuring Device

Take advantage of our RadonEye summer promotion and get the high-quality radon meter for only 159€ - instead of 189€! 

RadonEye RD200 Sommer Special

Check out the product in our Onlineshop: RadonEye RD200

Ministry of the Environment distributes 900 radon measuring devices in Saxony-Anhalt

Are you interested in the topic of radon and still have questions?      

Then visit our info page Radon Consulting or contact us!      

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0049 9076-919 9835                 

2022-08-22 22:42:00

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