Radon measurement brings radon hotspot in North Rhine-Westphalia to light

Professional radon measurements in North Rhine-Westphalia revealed that radon levels were higher in Balve and Arnsberg than in any other part of NRW. "Balve was the radon hotspot of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia," said Dr. Michael Seidlitz of the NRW State Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.  

What is Radon? 

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive noble gas that enters buildings from the ground through various entry pathways. Radon is invisible, odorless, and tasteless, which is why it cannot be detected by the human sense organs. In the fresh air, radon does not pose a danger to us humans, but the increased concentration in our living spaces makes radon the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking.

Radon measurements in North Rhine-Westphalia 

Extensive radon measurements in Balve - with 543 radon measuring devices in schools, day-care centers and private households - were initiated after the first radon measuring values became known two years ago. The evaluation of the radon measurements showed that the limit value of 300 becquerels per square meter was exceeded by 10% in all parts of the city. Only in one room, the Balver Elementary School, was a significantly elevated value of 1,700 Bq/m³ measured.  

A total of 310 households participated in the radon measurements, representing nine percent of the residential population. Thus Balve is the place in NRW, which was examined best after the health-damaging radon gas. During the radon measurements, two radon measuring devices were set up per building for twelve months in order to obtain meaningful radon values.  

High-quality, precise radon measuring devices in different price ranges can also be found in our Radonshop. A distinction is made between active radon meters and passive radon detectors.  

Our bestseller 2022 under the active measuring instruments is the RadonEye RD200.

Our RadonEye RD200 radon meter convinces by: 

  • Easy operability  
  • Fast detection (already after 1 hour concrete, reliable value!)  
  • High measuring accuracy (deviation clearly < 10%)  
  • High measuring frequency (smallest interval: 10 min, quasi real-time data)   Latest measuring technology (ionization pulse chamber)  

Have a look at the precise, high-quality radon meter directly in our Radon store: RadonEye RD200  

Among the Passive Radon Detectors we offer some low priced models in our Radonshop like the RadonTec PRD Exposimeter.

The advantages of the RadonTec PRD Exposimeter at a glance: 

  • Easy application  
  • Meaningful values after 1 to 12 months  
  • Proven technology: core track measurement method  
  • Laboratory evaluation included  
  • Legally recognized exposimeter (important for organizations and companies, but also private users such as landlords or tenants)  

Have a look at the inexpensive radon measuring device directly in our Radon store: RadonTec PRD Exposimeter

Radon measurements in North Rhine-Westphalia

Do you have questions or a concern about Radon Protection?  

Then visit our info page Radon Helpdesk or contact us!    

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0049 9076-919 9835                           info@radonshop.com

2022-11-29 17:26:00

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