
Control measurement I radon

After the completion of a new building or renovation measures, measurements of the radon...


Mass transfer due to a (air) pressure drop, quick and directed process. By convection, radon can...

Design value I radon

Value, which is the basis of the planning of a new building or renovation measure and which should...


Diffusion is a naturally occurring physical process that balances differences in concentration in...

Emanation I radon

Radon release from the solid phase of the rock and soil matrix in the surrounding air and / or...

Equilibrium Equivalent Concentration (EEC) I radon

When measuring radon via its follow-up nuclide concentration in the air, a conversion formula is...

Exhalation I radon

Exhaling is the escape of gases from a firm solid and thus the transfer of radon from the ground or...

Exhalation measurements I radon

The measurement of the radon release or exhalation rate of radon from a material is done with...

Exhalation rate

Radon exhalation per area and unit of time.

Foundation soil analysis, radon

A radon foundation soil analysis is carried out to assess the goegenic radon potential. In addition...
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