Germany sets Legal standards for radon protection in the workplace

radon precautionary areas in Germany

At the beginning of the year, so-called "Radonvorsorgegebiete" (radon precautionary areas) were designated throughout Germany (marked in orange), in which the health of all employees is to be particularly protected.

Due to the geological conditions in these areas, an above-average radon contamination is to be expected, which is why employers in radon precautionary areas are legally obliged to carry out one-year radon measurements at workplaces.In addition to adherence to a strict measurement procedure, only a handful of measuring devices are approved for this radon measurement.

RadonTec advises employers and service providers on the legally compliant procedure.

We also provide tested passive exposimeters approved by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection for this annual measurement.

RadonTec advises employers in Germany

Are you an employer in a radon precautionary area in Germany?

We support you professionally, comprehensively and reliably.

Information about your
legal obligations

Individual consulting

Legally compliant
measuring equipment

Analysis of the
measurement results

Contact Us


09076 9199835

Do you need help?
We will be glad to help you.

We will be happy to assist you in selecting the appropriate measuring device and also advise you on possible protection solutions.
Just contact us!

Mo-Thu 09:00 am – 4:00 pm / Fr 09:00 am – 2:00 pm

  Phone: 0049 9076-919 9835